Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 1 of Turbo jam: Learn and Burn - Okay here we go again

So I didn't finish Chalean's ok cause I rather do Turbo jam for a month and recuperate my arm than Chalean extreme injure myself and never be able to lift again.  That being said today was my first day of Learn and Burn and it was pretty good.  I'm suppose to be doing this again for the next 2 days so it isn't going to be anything new.  I am thinking of adding my walk away the pounds hand weights because they are a pound each.  I heard you burn more calories adding the weights and that is what I want to do.  I'm thinking of getting a heart rate monitor but I'm not sure I want to spend the money for it. 

As far as my arm goes it really hurts when I move it in certain directions I really hope I didn't hurt it too bad.  I don't know if I should see the doctor about it, cause I had an appointment before and I totally blew it off.  I just hope it can return to it's regular Range of motion.  I really want to get back to Chalean extreme so that I can burn this body fat off and gain some muscle.  I love the fact that I was starting to tone up.  I know with Turbo Jam I will slim down and tone a little so I'm not too worried about it.  I know I have to watch my fat intake and focus on protein but it's all about balance.  Oh by the way I bought my Turbo Jam DVD off of ebay so it only came with the DvD and that is it.  I don't have the meal plan or manuals or calendars or any of that.  I found the workout calender online while Googling it.  So like I was doing with Chalean extreme I'm not following the meal plan and only balancing my meals using  I'm not going crazy about it either and restricting myself from certain foods just focusing on healthier options, fat/protein/ carb balance, and portion control.  Also replacing beverages with water unless I'm in a situation where I don't trust the water I'm drinking and then I'll drink diet coke but that is very RARE.

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