Thursday, December 3, 2009
P90X day 16 Cardio X instead of Plyometrics
Next time I def need to do the Plyometrics.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Day 15 of P90X - Shoulders and arms
Okay I am back after doing Chest and Back and Ab Ripper X. I did very well today and made an effort to push myself a little past my threshold. It was when Tony mentioned that people usually stop way before their supposed to because they get something in their heads that tells them it hurts. So I pushed my self harder when I got to that point where I thought I could do any more. I'm glad I did because I improved in all the workout except for one. My numbers keep dropping for the Divebomber Push Ups. By the time I get to those it's hard to go from "under the fence" to "over the fence". I also up'd my resistance bands from using the blue (heavy resistance) to using the red (medium resistance) and blue bands combined. So I felt it a lot more in my chest muscles.
I was very sore at the end though, but when I finished I took my protein shake and feel a lot better now. I improved a bit in Ab Ripper X by raising up my hands for the "In and Out" exercise and by folding my legs indian style for the "Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up".
Overall I am very proud of myself that I Brought the X in P90X.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Day 11 of P90X Did Yoga now to do Turbo Jam - Need a new eating game plan
So I've been over eating yesterday and today. I did Turbo Jam yesterday to burn the excess calories. I think that I'm going to do the same right after this blog. I'm going to do the Cardio Party that is 45 mins long. I might even use the weighted gloves to burn more. So yea everyone that is the deal.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day 6 of P90X Kenpo later tonight
So I did yoga on Thursday I believe and that was fun. The hardest part for me was the half moon and twisting moon which is a move where you have to lift you arm and leg at the same time. Crazy right? I know it's just my first week though and my balance and coordination aren't the best to start off with. The next day though my back was sore I figure it's from all the salutations. I didn't expect to get sore from it but it was a nice little surprise. Yesterday I did Legs and Back and Ooo I feel it today. My glutes are sore and my back is feeling it as well. I'm not using the pull up bar nor did I get it because I have no room for it. So I got a door anchor on ebay for 3 bucks (free shipping) and used my Gold's Gym Resistance Tubing. I didn't think I would have gotten a great workout because it seemed a bit easy, but today proved me wrong. I first thought of stepping up the resistance on the tubings, but know I don't think that is necessary.
So like I said earlier tonight I'm doing Kenpo X so I'll try to remember to post an update. I just hope I won't be so tired I don't blog. So I have to go wash my hair now and get ready. Take care everyone. Also if you are interested in getting P90X please visit my site at
<3 Jenn
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day 2 of P90x Plyometrics
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day one of P90X
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I walked 5 Miles with Walk Away the Pounds
So while doing the workouts I tried limiting my arm movement and making them shorter. At the end though I just stopped moving my arms cause I could feel it starting to affect my shoulder. Anyways I got a good workout except my HR monitor said I burned like 900 calories. That can't be right you know cause that's like A LOT but I tracked it in my fitness tracker under "High Impact Aerobics" and it calculated a little under 500 cals which seems about right. Anywho I need to shower and head to bed. I feel so great pumping out that workout. Feel accomplished.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I'm injured and Doctor said to rest my arm. Taking a break from CLX
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Day 42 of CLX Push Circuit 3
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I''m taking a unscheduled day off from Chalean extreme- UGH MY BACK!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Week two, push phase, burn intervals
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Week two of push - The price of having a gym membership
The thing is a lot of people end up wanting to do something about their weight, but don't know where to begin. They join a gym and get on a contract that is $10-$39 a month.
- At $10 a month for one year they have spent a total of $120 dollars at the gym
- At $39 a month for one year they have spent a total of $468 dollars at the gym.
Did you know that 60% of new gym members don't go back to the gym after the initial 3 months.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE) asked 1,500 people why they don't go to the gym
- 46 percent of Web site visitors say they don’t go to the gym because it’s too crowded
- 21 percent say they don’t go because they don’t know what they’re doing
- 19 percent feel they’ll be the only one who isn’t “buff” or already in good shape
- 11 percent say rude gym etiquette keeps them from going (i.e., not wiping off a machine after a cardio workout or not letting others work in on a weight machine)
- 3 percent said they’re afraid to ask questions
Did you know that the ACE actually recommended doing Strength Training in your own home or a home workout video?
The average Beachbody workout program (excluding the kids, teen, and older adult videos) starts from about $39-$200 and they are guaranteed results as long as you stick to them. Also if you are a Team Beachbody Club member you save 10% and a Beachbody Coach 25%.
And guess what? NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU, you have online support, and mostly all the workouts come with a guide to guide you in correctly performing your workouts. You get your own personalized coach and you could even be a coach, start your own business, and make yourself some money with your hardwork and dedication.
I started losing weight in July 2009 and I've lost almost 17 lbs so far. There is a great community out there on Team Beachbody and even if you don't want to spend money you can sign up for free and as long as you workout (any workout even running) and enter it on the site you can win $300-$1000 dollars. You even still get your own coach and I can be your coach.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My first blog from my Team Beachbody Site...small bio.
Week one of Push phase so far...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Day 28 of Chalean Extreme my rest day

Waist: 32
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Why I do what I do to lose weight
She INSPIRED me and I thought to myself if She could do it so could I.
While driving in my car it I was thinking why am I doing this and this is why...
It's my new obsession but in a good way. I used to come home and all I would do is play World of Warcraft for hours on end. Now I blog, go on sparkpeople, and facebook. Yes it's still an internet addiction but I still find ways to better myself and better others. I mean today *Courtneydey* told me that I inspire her. I inspired someone today. Do you know how that feels? That feels great you know what a confidence booster. When I hear people say that and when I try to help someone that feels down about their weigh gains, setbacks, problems what ever it feels good. You know I've had setbacks and people are there for me and I know how hard it gets to lose weight. It adds a bit of responsibility for me. Not only do I have to do it for myself, but for other people so I can inspire or motivate them to change their lives. So they can tell me if Jenn can do it so can I.
I have more confidence in myself then I ever had before when I'm taking care of myself. I feel prettier and my self esteem is lifted. I don't think it's so much because of the weight loss, it helps but it's knowing that I am taking care of myself. I'm trying to dress better, be more positive with positive thinking and self talk, and I even try to be more sexy for my boyfriend lol. I feel great naked. I can say that and you know what I have my belly fat, I have my stretch marks and I have bumps and lumps BUT I FEEL GOOD. Cause I see the changes in my body and I know I'm making the effort and even though I could never wear a bikini cause of my stretch marks I will be able to wear the sexiest looking one piece out there.
I do it because my father has diabetes, his father has diabetes, his mother died from diabetes and breast cancer, his grandmother died from diabetes, and some of my brothers have diabetes. It DOESN'T SKIP GENERATIONS. Last time I had blood work I had HIGH cholesterol and I was 23 and 169 lbs. NO NO NO NO NO I will not have that crap, be result of my lifestyle. If I get diabetes let it be genetics NOT because I didn't try to prevent it. If I have a heart disease let it be genetic and NOT because I didn't make an effort of caring for myself. I am 24 years old I do NOT need to have high cholesterol. I have control and I need to learn to use it and utilize it.
I am setting an example not just for my daughter but for my step daughter who sees me workout EVERYTIME she comes over. EVERYTIME she sees me exercising and she asks questions and wants to know why I'm doing it. Or why I'm eating this or not eating that. I have to set the example for our kids at least so if they don't learn it all they can learn some of it.
I want to grow old and live a long life with my boyfriend and my kids. I know it's not hard and I might fail, but I might not. I have to stick with it and this is why I write this. So when I feel like that girl I can go back to this and tell myself WHY I AM DOING THIS. DON'T GIVE UP JENNIFER DELGADO!!!! DON'T YOU GIVE UP EITHER WHOEVER READS THIS!!! And I don't care if your goal is not weight loss and it's something else...DON'T GIVE UP!!! It's okay to have setbacks and *eff* up but don't let it get the best of you. If you fall get your *** back up and keep walking!!! Every setback is a lesson that will make you stronger. Setbacks are just scars and toughen up your skin to help you keep on going and to remind you of how you got there and what to do the next time you reach that point. I don't want this to be temporary and am glad of all the support I have to keep me going.
Thank you,
Jennifer Delgado
Monday, October 5, 2009
Day 23 - I had my first Shakeology
I tried my first Shakeology today and man is it CHOCOLATEY. Like not like milk chocolate either. It's like a DARK chocolate straight from the cocoa leaf itself. It's chocolatey. So I have gotten various Shakeology recipes. If you have any or can suggest some please let me know. I'm going to try some tomorrow. I chugged it down real fast though cause I didn't want to waste it. It has some good stuff in it and I love how it has 17grams of protein in it without milk added to it. That appeals to me cause I really want to work at upping my proteins.
So I am glad that I have finally gotten my food in check *knock on wood*. I got this neat little thing at CVS for like 8 bucks. It's a container that is as big as one of those Dunkin Donut coffee mugs and it holds your veggies/fruits in it and any dip you want to dip it in. I figure it would be a great way to get me to eat healthy on the go cause it also has a little ice pack in it. So it would keep your food cold for like 2-3 hours.
So that is pretty cool I think. Now I don't have an excuse. Also I've bought miniature raisin boxes to eat in my car. I figure they are a good car food cause they don't spoil and don't need to be refrigerated.
So that is my update I'm doing okay so far this Saturday is Weigh in and pictures I don't know if their would be much change but at least I feel great!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Day 19 of Chalean Extreme and 71 days more to go
One way I'm going to try to improve is to focus more on getting sparkpoints so that way I can read the health articles, track my fitness, goals, and put myself in the game again.
I wasn't tracking my CLX fitness cause I wasn't sure what to track it as. I am going to place the strength workouts individually under my favorites on sparkpeople so it is easier to track. I'm also going to track Chalene's Cardio like the Burn it off and Burn Intervals as High Impact aerobics. Honestly I'm just tracking it for the points so that way I can have a record of me actually doing physical fitness.
I also noticed I have to be a better sparkfriend. I've been busy and I apologize. I really need to check up on how they are doing, cause so many of them are awesome and help me when I'm doing crappy. I know that as much as I love people being there for me I need to be their for them. I'll try as much as I can to see how you are doing, but if I get busy stop by my page and say hi I love to know how your progress is going.
I ordered my chocolate shakeology as well which I am happy. It's going to act as a meal replacement but it's a lot more than that. It has many essential vitamins and minerals and lots of very healthy stuff. If you haven't checked it out...
So yea it's not JUST a meal replacement it's a lot more. So I'm excited not only is it going to improve my help but replacing my meal is going to help me balance my nutrition tracking.
I'm frickin EXCITED!!!
Oh yea I have to burn a copy of Chalene's Extreme motivation CD to listen to in the car. I think it's very important so that I can keep my mindframe right. Anyways I'll see you later.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Day 18 of Chalean Extreme - My Confessional
This was written Sept 26.2009
I'm been eating like Utter CRAP. I tried today to eat healthy and I was having a great day but then I got dinner with my boyfriend and I tried something he got. It was french fries with cheese and gravy. Yea I know it sounds like crap for you body and it is. This week I tried to eat healthy at wendy's cause my boyfriend wanted nuggets so I got a wrap and I figure I'd have only half and it couldn't have been that big. This thing was monsterous with bbq chik'n nuggets, bacon, crispy onion, aged cheddar, 7 kinds of lettuce in a sun dried tomato wrap. I mean DUDE really it was fricken Delicious. Yesterday we had italian and I didn't get myself anything but I had a little bit of everyone's food. I mean I understand that I need to control myself. It's not an emotional thing like I get depressed and sad and want to eat. No it's Frickin delicious. It's like a drug right, cause you do really GREAT without it and then you try one thing that throws you off and then you want to try everything and then you go on a crazy binge. It's loving the taste of food. And I know I shouldn't man cause I look and feel great right now about myself. But I know that if I keep this up I will be un-doing all my progress. That sucks. I need to stop eating like a fricken pig. I mean like today all I was going to order was a steak grinder with lettuce, tomato, steak, and onions. No Cheese cause I know that cheese is not that great for you so for saltiness I got pickles. I ordered a small....IT WAS NOT SMALL it was like a foot long at fricken subway. FOOD I hate you because you are delicious when you cause me harm. I hate you because you are greasy, but crunchy. I need to cut the crap seriously, but it's soooo hard right now. If this is hard I can't imagine how it is for ppl to stop smoking. I think I'm addicted to food :(. Screw you CHEESE FRIES WITH GRAVY...YOU SUCK!!!! Bah I'm pissed with myself. I feel like I cheated on myself. I guess tomorrow's another day....
So there you go I've been eating horribly. Yesterday I did better than the rest of the days. I went over my fats and under my proteins, but I met my calories. Yea it's still not great but atleast I'm taking small steps again. Oh yea I ordered Shakeology and because I'm a coach it didn't cost me as much. I figured that it's going to be the best thing for me to be able to replace my meals and keep my calories and ranges at bay. If you are interested in shakeology come here. So I just have to wait until the end of the week to get shakeology. Besides that I'm eating my yogurt so that I can get my breakfast instead of skipping it. So right now I'm just waiting to digest it and start my workout. I went to bed at 11:35pm and got up at 8:00am to get about 8 hours of sleep. I figure it would help me lose weight if I get 8 hours of sleep. I figure I'd get up early and get my workout....look I'm on the internet. But I'll digest my yogurt and kick some butt.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day 8 I'm So tired from the Concert yesterday....
Friday, September 18, 2009
Day 6 CLX Burn It off and going to do Recharge!!! Tomorrow is Rest day YAY!!!
Oh yea and I'm going to have to start liking Chalene's crazy cardio if I ever want to grow a pair and can do Insanity.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Week 1 Day 3 CLX & TJ
So I was Listening to the Chalean extreme audio CD and I figure there are three things I have to start doing:
-Start eating small every 3 hours.
-not eat 3 hours before bed time
-And instead of going straight to the Computer in the morning I need to do my workout before doing anything else.
So this is something I have to work on.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Regular Rants
Oh so around dinner time our class gave us a dinner break so and there was a Burger King outside. Let me tell you Burger King is one of the WORST PLACES EVER to go when you are trying to eat healthy. Do you want to know how many Calories are in their veggie burger....wait let me pull it up...
K from is Burger King's Veggie Burger
Cals: 340
Total fat: 10g
Sat fat: 2g
Sodium: if you are consuming 2000 cals that's 40% of your DV. My Cals are 1200-1500
Carbs: 47g....which I don't mind carbs cause some carbs are okay for you
You know what I had though? A side salad w/ half the packet of Lite Italian Dressing, Apple Fries with Caramel and water.
Cals: 155
Fat: 6
Carbs: 6
Sodium: 220mg.
I can't say that I did good all day though, because I am ashamed to say that I went to Subway and had their Chicken Parmesan Sandwich which is tasty but is crap with about 1500mg of salt and 560 cals. But that is my own fault I knew it was too good to be true I'm a sucker for crappy foods and I know I shouldn't be. It's live and learn, but I'm glad that Burger King at least had their Nutritional Info posted up so I could save myself from eating their veggie burger.
Anyways that is my ranting, I am glad I decided to monitor my salt intake I wasn't before and I figure that I'm a big salt eater so if anything I can monitor myself better.
Week 1 day 2 CLX & Turbo jam- Day of rest
But I'm going to go to the doctor and ask if I can get some blood drawn so I can check my cholesterol, cause last time I was there it was a bit high. My total cholesteral was 221 (norm, range is 125-200) and Triglycerides was 151(suppose to be less than 150).
You know I'm just 24 I can't go having high cholesterol, cause keeping that up like that is calling for trouble in the future. I really hope it has gotten better.
I asked my boyfriend if he has noticed any obvious changes to my body (cause he's very honest with things like that), and he said no that it only seems like i've slimmed down. He says not to be so impatient cause I really just started Chalean extreme like 2 weeks ago and I stopped it for 1 week. So i'm determined to make some physical differences
Sunday, September 13, 2009
CLX again Week 1, Day 1
So I'm probably going to either have to make due with what I have or scrounge in the the future for some in between weights...which I don't want to do.
Chalean Extreme Fit Test
Okay so I jumped around for like 5 minutes my heart rate is pumping so now to Push ups
Push Ups: 11 regular push ups...that hurt my arm a bit I think next time during my workout i'll take it to my toes so it will hurt less.
Squats: 26
forward arm plank: 32.62 seconds
Overhead Shoulder Press: I am going with 5 lbs. I know it's light, but I'm taking baby steps. I'm not hurting myself again. So 5 lbs with 12 reps
Bicep Curl: I did it with 5lbs it felt good but I think I could've went a bit heavier. So 5 lbs and 12 reps could've went a bit heavier.
Sit and reach: I'm going to guess an inch and a half...I have no one here to check for me right now.
Okay so now for the Measurements (inches):
I got a new tape measure so it isn't the same one as the last which the last one was made out of paper.
Waist: 33.5
Hips: 39.2
Abductors: 37.1
Chest: 36....but I'm wearing a sports bra so it's pushing the girls together.
Right arm: about 12...Might be inaccurate cause I'm doing it solo
Left arm: about 12 as well.
Weight:152.8 Which is more than before, but it's okay cause I ate breakfast. Whatever I'm watching what I eat so I'm not too worried about it
Body Fat: approx. 20%
So THERE are my starting measurements
Today I'm going to start Chalean Extreme...this Afternoon I'm going to do Turbo Jam
I'm also aware that I can't only do Strength Training because as much as muscle burns fat, if I still have fat you can't see my muscle. What is the best way to burn muscle? Cardio. That and monitoring my food. I've been monitoring my food with sparkpeople, but I realize I need to not just worry about the quantity of my food but the quality. I also have to drink more water. I'll work on it though I'm not worried slowly but surely.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day 6 Turbo Jam - Still day of rest...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Day 5 of Turbo Jam- Day of rest
I keep hearing everyone talking about Chalean Extreme and I want to really start right away. I see everyone's successes and I really want that. I'm still gonna rest up maybe if I feel okay I'll think of redoing it next week.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 4 of Turbo Jam 20 min turbo jam
So I'm here having my strawberry chobani yogurt. I know I bashed it earlier but I bought like 8 of them so I have to eat it. I have to say though the strawberry tastes better than the vanilla. Like you don't taste the bitter sour taste afterward in this one. I also put my Bear Naked Fit granola on it because it just taste better that way and figure get some extra carbs in.
Oh I almost for got to post my latest measurements.

- Waist - 35.5 in.
- Hips - 40 in
- Abductors- 37.5 in.
- Chest - 39.5
- R. Arm - 13 in.
- L. Arm - 12.5 in
- Weight - 156 lbs.
- Body Fat % - 21%

Now these measurements are from sparkpeople so they are a bit different. They are my right side extremities.
Waist - 31
Hips - 38.5
thigh - 21.5
Arm- 12
neck - 12.5
calf - 14
Weight - 151.8
Body Fat % - 20%
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I'm still on day 3 of Turbo Jam but here is my progress video so far.
Day 3 of turbo jam: 20 minute workout - That was good
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 2- Turbo Jam Learn and Burn
If you are interested on any of the beachbody products go here and if you want to go to Chalene's site where she has some cool clothes, workouts, and a lot of other cool things come here to
Monday, September 7, 2009
Day 1 of Turbo jam: Learn and Burn - Okay here we go again
As far as my arm goes it really hurts when I move it in certain directions I really hope I didn't hurt it too bad. I don't know if I should see the doctor about it, cause I had an appointment before and I totally blew it off. I just hope it can return to it's regular Range of motion. I really want to get back to Chalean extreme so that I can burn this body fat off and gain some muscle. I love the fact that I was starting to tone up. I know with Turbo Jam I will slim down and tone a little so I'm not too worried about it. I know I have to watch my fat intake and focus on protein but it's all about balance. Oh by the way I bought my Turbo Jam DVD off of ebay so it only came with the DvD and that is it. I don't have the meal plan or manuals or calendars or any of that. I found the workout calender online while Googling it. So like I was doing with Chalean extreme I'm not following the meal plan and only balancing my meals using I'm not going crazy about it either and restricting myself from certain foods just focusing on healthier options, fat/protein/ carb balance, and portion control. Also replacing beverages with water unless I'm in a situation where I don't trust the water I'm drinking and then I'll drink diet coke but that is very RARE.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Day 11 Chalean Extreme I think I am going to have to stop Chalean Extreme and postpone it for a bit
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Day 10 Chalean extreme - Burn Circuit 2
Friday, September 4, 2009
Chalean Extreme day 9- Rest
Now I found some great foods that I think will help me with my healthy eating journey. I just got to say I LOVE those little Laughing Cow Cheese wedges. I bought the light swiss kind and have been eating them in sandwiches and triscuit crackers. They are so good and only 35 cal compared to the 110 cal in a slice of american cheese. Also I got some snacks for the car when I start wanting to munch on junk. So I got almonds, but not just any almonds I got Cinnamon and Brown Sugar Almonds and they are tasty :D yum. They have just a hint of sweet flavor.
So yesterday I went under my calories. After trying to meet my protein and not going over my fat I ended up ok with my fat and under my protein. You know sometimes it feels like its tough trying to meet my calories sometimes either I get it or I go under. But then I don't want to eat too much cause I don't want to go over my fat and it's always in the back of my mind that I don't want to eat too much cause I don't want to go over.
Another thing I noticed and I don't know if it is only me but I find that when I do my Walk Away the Pounds videos (like yesterday I did the 2 mile) I find my self more sore because I did the CE in the morning. I feel like I have to work my muscles more. I wonder why is that. Do you know?
If you want to check out Chalean extreme or any of the products I'll put my link on it:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Day 8 Chalean Extreme - Burn Circuit 1 - I'm sore and I LOVE it!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Day 7 of Chalean extreme-Rest day ...I might make a vlog
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Day 6 of Chalean Extreme- Burn it off & recharge
Besides that yesterday I did my 4 mile WATP again since the night before that I didn't do my 2 mile walk. It's cool cause before when I started doing the DVD I was exhausted by the time I finished it. Now I'm tired but I still feel like I can do more. I don't even feel sore the next day. I still enjoy doing the workouts even though I put it on mute I still enjoy Leslie she has a very nice personality. I would get a 5 mile vid or more but I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't buy anymore workout stuff.
I do notice my weight loss though and I enjoy it. I notice it more around my oblique know my love handles aren't that big anymore. I still get disappointed though by my saggy skin. Unfortunately my tummy looks like I had 3 kids and I only had 1. And she wasn't even that big she was born 5 lbs 12 oz. I only gained 17 lbs during pregnancy and ate like normal especially knowing that I didn't want to be that girl whole ate the whole pantry because she was pregnant. But the thing was that my daughter was breeched meaning she was stuck sideways the whole time so everytime she would stretch in my belly she would stretch my skin. I have my stretch marks going from one hip to the other...I hate it and I know it would never go away but I'm wondering if the saggy skin would get tighter or if my tummy would look a little bit better. I know in the Chalean extreme before and after pics there where women that had the mommy apron but I didn't see the stretch marks cause they only show the side pics and you can't see the front of the belly in those. If anyone reads this and has done the program and knows about the stretch marks or saggy skin let me know.
My arm feels a little better good thing I have tomorrow to recover too. Maybe once I do Recharge tonight again I'll feel better.
Monday, August 31, 2009
ChaLean Extreme Day 5 Burn Circuit 3
So rather than that today I weighed myself since I've been weighing myself every monday on sparkpeople apart from my Chalean extreme tracking and since 6/22/09 I have lost 10lbs. I am very proud of myself. What I have to work on is my mantra on how this is NOT a diet but a new healthy lifestyle. I am worried that once I get to my goal weight or where I need to be I will go off track and go into a comfort zone.
I was also invited out to eat with my parents at the buffet. At first I was a little hesitant about it know it's a buffet. All you can eat come on that is hard. But it wasn't and do you know why? Because I planned ahead. I went on the website and looked at the food's nutritional value and I wrote down what I should eat for dinner. So I had a small salad; turkey with corn, green beans, and steamed carrots; and ended it with no fat soft served ice cream and cheesecake which I shared half of each with my 4 yo daughter. Over all a great meal I even was able to come home to have a snack of sunchips and pretzels. I'm pretty proud of myself.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
ChaLean Extreme Day 4 - Burn Intervals and Ab Burner
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Day 3 of ChaLean extreme - Burn Circuit 2

Friday, August 28, 2009
Chalean Extreme Day 2...again- 4 Miles of Walk away the pounds
Day 2- I'm sore
Cap Barbell 40lb. Black Cast Set with Dumbbell Handles in Plastic Case - Dick's Sporting Goods
for 64.99 Maybe I can go to the store later and return the dumbells and get that set I mean it's 40lbs and might serve my purpose better. Or just use the bands until the end of the program see my results and then redo the program with weights.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Day one of ChaLean Extreme done
- Red- Medium
- Blue - Heavy
- Black- Ultra heavy
Free Online Diet Plan at
For me it would be difficult to have to stick to a meal plan. So ok it's time for me to eat breakfast so I'm a go :D
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I finally got my Chalean Extreme
Waist - 35.5 in.
- Hips - 40 in
- Abductors- 37.5 in.
- Chest - 39.5
- R. Arm - 13 in.
- L. Arm - 12.5 in
- Weight - 156 lbs.
- Body Fat % - 21% - Which is Ideal on the Chart...I'm surprised that it isn't higher but I'm happy with what it is.
- Push ups: 8
- Crunches: 20
- Squats: 18
- Forearm Plank: 35:10 secs
- Overhead shoulder press: Ultra Heavy Band
- Bicep Curl: Ultra Heavy Band aswellSit and Reach: 1in past my toes....not very flexible I know
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Few more days until I start my Chalean extreme program