Sunday, October 25, 2009
Day 42 of CLX Push Circuit 3
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I''m taking a unscheduled day off from Chalean extreme- UGH MY BACK!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Week two, push phase, burn intervals
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Week two of push - The price of having a gym membership
The thing is a lot of people end up wanting to do something about their weight, but don't know where to begin. They join a gym and get on a contract that is $10-$39 a month.
- At $10 a month for one year they have spent a total of $120 dollars at the gym
- At $39 a month for one year they have spent a total of $468 dollars at the gym.
Did you know that 60% of new gym members don't go back to the gym after the initial 3 months.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE) asked 1,500 people why they don't go to the gym
- 46 percent of Web site visitors say they don’t go to the gym because it’s too crowded
- 21 percent say they don’t go because they don’t know what they’re doing
- 19 percent feel they’ll be the only one who isn’t “buff” or already in good shape
- 11 percent say rude gym etiquette keeps them from going (i.e., not wiping off a machine after a cardio workout or not letting others work in on a weight machine)
- 3 percent said they’re afraid to ask questions
Did you know that the ACE actually recommended doing Strength Training in your own home or a home workout video?
The average Beachbody workout program (excluding the kids, teen, and older adult videos) starts from about $39-$200 and they are guaranteed results as long as you stick to them. Also if you are a Team Beachbody Club member you save 10% and a Beachbody Coach 25%.
And guess what? NO ONE IS WATCHING YOU, you have online support, and mostly all the workouts come with a guide to guide you in correctly performing your workouts. You get your own personalized coach and you could even be a coach, start your own business, and make yourself some money with your hardwork and dedication.
I started losing weight in July 2009 and I've lost almost 17 lbs so far. There is a great community out there on Team Beachbody and even if you don't want to spend money you can sign up for free and as long as you workout (any workout even running) and enter it on the site you can win $300-$1000 dollars. You even still get your own coach and I can be your coach.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My first blog from my Team Beachbody Site...small bio.
Week one of Push phase so far...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Day 28 of Chalean Extreme my rest day

Waist: 32
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Why I do what I do to lose weight
She INSPIRED me and I thought to myself if She could do it so could I.
While driving in my car it I was thinking why am I doing this and this is why...
It's my new obsession but in a good way. I used to come home and all I would do is play World of Warcraft for hours on end. Now I blog, go on sparkpeople, and facebook. Yes it's still an internet addiction but I still find ways to better myself and better others. I mean today *Courtneydey* told me that I inspire her. I inspired someone today. Do you know how that feels? That feels great you know what a confidence booster. When I hear people say that and when I try to help someone that feels down about their weigh gains, setbacks, problems what ever it feels good. You know I've had setbacks and people are there for me and I know how hard it gets to lose weight. It adds a bit of responsibility for me. Not only do I have to do it for myself, but for other people so I can inspire or motivate them to change their lives. So they can tell me if Jenn can do it so can I.
I have more confidence in myself then I ever had before when I'm taking care of myself. I feel prettier and my self esteem is lifted. I don't think it's so much because of the weight loss, it helps but it's knowing that I am taking care of myself. I'm trying to dress better, be more positive with positive thinking and self talk, and I even try to be more sexy for my boyfriend lol. I feel great naked. I can say that and you know what I have my belly fat, I have my stretch marks and I have bumps and lumps BUT I FEEL GOOD. Cause I see the changes in my body and I know I'm making the effort and even though I could never wear a bikini cause of my stretch marks I will be able to wear the sexiest looking one piece out there.
I do it because my father has diabetes, his father has diabetes, his mother died from diabetes and breast cancer, his grandmother died from diabetes, and some of my brothers have diabetes. It DOESN'T SKIP GENERATIONS. Last time I had blood work I had HIGH cholesterol and I was 23 and 169 lbs. NO NO NO NO NO I will not have that crap, be result of my lifestyle. If I get diabetes let it be genetics NOT because I didn't try to prevent it. If I have a heart disease let it be genetic and NOT because I didn't make an effort of caring for myself. I am 24 years old I do NOT need to have high cholesterol. I have control and I need to learn to use it and utilize it.
I am setting an example not just for my daughter but for my step daughter who sees me workout EVERYTIME she comes over. EVERYTIME she sees me exercising and she asks questions and wants to know why I'm doing it. Or why I'm eating this or not eating that. I have to set the example for our kids at least so if they don't learn it all they can learn some of it.
I want to grow old and live a long life with my boyfriend and my kids. I know it's not hard and I might fail, but I might not. I have to stick with it and this is why I write this. So when I feel like that girl I can go back to this and tell myself WHY I AM DOING THIS. DON'T GIVE UP JENNIFER DELGADO!!!! DON'T YOU GIVE UP EITHER WHOEVER READS THIS!!! And I don't care if your goal is not weight loss and it's something else...DON'T GIVE UP!!! It's okay to have setbacks and *eff* up but don't let it get the best of you. If you fall get your *** back up and keep walking!!! Every setback is a lesson that will make you stronger. Setbacks are just scars and toughen up your skin to help you keep on going and to remind you of how you got there and what to do the next time you reach that point. I don't want this to be temporary and am glad of all the support I have to keep me going.
Thank you,
Jennifer Delgado
Monday, October 5, 2009
Day 23 - I had my first Shakeology
I tried my first Shakeology today and man is it CHOCOLATEY. Like not like milk chocolate either. It's like a DARK chocolate straight from the cocoa leaf itself. It's chocolatey. So I have gotten various Shakeology recipes. If you have any or can suggest some please let me know. I'm going to try some tomorrow. I chugged it down real fast though cause I didn't want to waste it. It has some good stuff in it and I love how it has 17grams of protein in it without milk added to it. That appeals to me cause I really want to work at upping my proteins.
So I am glad that I have finally gotten my food in check *knock on wood*. I got this neat little thing at CVS for like 8 bucks. It's a container that is as big as one of those Dunkin Donut coffee mugs and it holds your veggies/fruits in it and any dip you want to dip it in. I figure it would be a great way to get me to eat healthy on the go cause it also has a little ice pack in it. So it would keep your food cold for like 2-3 hours.
So that is pretty cool I think. Now I don't have an excuse. Also I've bought miniature raisin boxes to eat in my car. I figure they are a good car food cause they don't spoil and don't need to be refrigerated.
So that is my update I'm doing okay so far this Saturday is Weigh in and pictures I don't know if their would be much change but at least I feel great!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Day 19 of Chalean Extreme and 71 days more to go
One way I'm going to try to improve is to focus more on getting sparkpoints so that way I can read the health articles, track my fitness, goals, and put myself in the game again.
I wasn't tracking my CLX fitness cause I wasn't sure what to track it as. I am going to place the strength workouts individually under my favorites on sparkpeople so it is easier to track. I'm also going to track Chalene's Cardio like the Burn it off and Burn Intervals as High Impact aerobics. Honestly I'm just tracking it for the points so that way I can have a record of me actually doing physical fitness.
I also noticed I have to be a better sparkfriend. I've been busy and I apologize. I really need to check up on how they are doing, cause so many of them are awesome and help me when I'm doing crappy. I know that as much as I love people being there for me I need to be their for them. I'll try as much as I can to see how you are doing, but if I get busy stop by my page and say hi I love to know how your progress is going.
I ordered my chocolate shakeology as well which I am happy. It's going to act as a meal replacement but it's a lot more than that. It has many essential vitamins and minerals and lots of very healthy stuff. If you haven't checked it out...
So yea it's not JUST a meal replacement it's a lot more. So I'm excited not only is it going to improve my help but replacing my meal is going to help me balance my nutrition tracking.
I'm frickin EXCITED!!!
Oh yea I have to burn a copy of Chalene's Extreme motivation CD to listen to in the car. I think it's very important so that I can keep my mindframe right. Anyways I'll see you later.